Jose Mier writing from Sun Valley.
As I wrote recently, the weather in Sun Valley is improving and warmer temperatures are ahead. Could the increased sunshine help in slowing down the coronavirus that’s hit California? We can only hope.
We here in Sun Valley, CA continue to hunker down in our homes for the foreseeable future, however a friend recently shared a video with me regarding the use of masks. While health officials in this country (at least originally) told us that masks would not protect us from the spread of the coronavirus, authorities (and citizens) in the Czech Republic have undertaken a great effort to wear masks when venturing outside their homes. To date there have been 17 deaths due to the coronavirus in the Czech Republic, relatively low compared to other countries like Italy which saw its death toll pass the 10,000 mark today.
It would seem to make sense that wearing a mask would at the very least reduce the possibility of spreading the virus. For those infected, masks would help trap the wet particles that are expelled when someone coughs or sneezes. Since the virus can be transmitted by people who aren’t yet showing symptoms, having a mask on could further reduce the spread.

Health officials have stated that masks may contribute to infection since people may be touching their faces more to place or adjust the masks, but combines with other disinfecting practices (washing/sanitizing hands) the masks may help “flatten the curve.”
What would this mean for Sun Valley residents? Any time a person goes outside their home they should wear a mask. Granted we’re supposed to stay indoors except for essential travel (to grocery stores or pharmacies). When we do go out, we should wear a mask (avoiding readjusting it or otherwise touching our faces) until we get back home and are able to wash our hands.
The video from the Czech Republic states that many in that country are sewing their own masks and that even homemade masks may prevent the spread of 95-100% of airborne organisms.
Should we be doing the same here in Sun Valley? My answer is yes. If we’re taking every other precaution, adding masks to the list is just one more way Californians can help defeat this.